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Hearing Loss

Hearing loss and dementia are two prevalent conditions among older adults. In fact, they often coexist, and it’s common for someone to have both hearing loss and dementia. Emerging research […]
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Communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction. Yet for many individuals with hearing loss, understanding speech in noisy environments can be challenging. Background noise, such as chatter in a […]
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Understanding and compassion between friends can create strong bonds. When a friend is navigating the challenges of hearing loss, your role is to be a supportive companion. There are ways […]
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As we step into a new year filled with possibilities, resolutions, and aspirations, it’s crucial to consider our hearing health. Our sense of hearing plays a profound role in our […]
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Ear wax, or cerumen, is a natural and protective substance produced by our ear canals. While its role is to trap dust and prevent infections, an excess of ear wax […]
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Hearing is a fundamental part of the human experience. It connects us to the world around us, allowing us to communicate, engage, and navigate life with confidence. But what happens […]
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The teenage years are a period of rapid growth, self-discovery, and social development. Yet, for some teenagers, this transformative phase is accompanied by the often hidden but significant challenge – […]
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Chronic tinnitus is a condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide, and its impact extends far beyond the perception of persistent ringing or buzzing in the ears. As leading audiologists […]
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Welcome, friends, to a topic that doesn’t exactly make the rounds at dinner parties, yet affects many of us – clogged ears and hearing loss. That ‘underwater’ feeling in your […]
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Hearing loss is more than just a decline in our auditory function; it can significantly impact our connections, conversations, and overall quality of life. Yet, despite its profound impact, many […]
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